The Rustomjee Cambridge Diaries
A platform for all the RCIS community to network and interact
25 January, 2018
13 November, 2017
Final Blog comprehension grade-6
- sprang through the air from one point or position to another; jump - ______________
- Untidy, shabby - ________________
- Write the noun form of the word argue - ____________________
- What was Charlie, the dog being accused of?
- How did you solve the case?
- Your experience in solving the case.
September month - GRADE 3 COMPREHENSION
GRADE 3 COMPREHENSION Answer Key - SeptemberA Boy Who Hated HomeworkHarry hated homework. He played cricket and football and even computer games. But homework? No, Sir! His teachers told him,"Harry!Do your homework or you won't learn a thing." And it's true; sometimes he didn't know the simplest things. But he found homework so boring!One day while playing football, he saw a cat playing with something shiny. He shooed the cat away and picked up the tiny object. It was a tiny little remote! It had just one button. Harry pressed the button. Poof! A tiny little man appeared in front of him. He was as tiny as a mouse! Harry was shocked; he almost threw away the remote."Oh please, please don't do that. I'll do anything, save me from the cat! I'll grant you a wish, I promise you that." Now Harry was clever, Harry was wise. At once, Harry decided and told the little man,"You've got to do my homework for the whole year." The little man's face looked as dark as a rain cloud. He shook his fists and jumped up and down, but Harry was as firm as a rock- the little man had to do his homework.They started that evening. In the beginning everything went fine. The little man had such a lovely handwriting and he wrote so fast. Harry was sure all his problems were solved. But soon there was a problem. The little man hardly knew any words! He didn't know the meaning of even simple words."Oh get me the dictionary, Harry, please do, or better still, look up the meaning, why don't you?" So Harry helped him with spellings and meanings. But that wasn't all! The little man had no idea of multiplication. "What are these tables", he yelled, "I can't multiply, divide or even add! Harry, please help me, now you are a good lad!"So Harry helped him with Math. Now the little man came from another country, so he had no idea of history or geography or even science. Harry worked hard day and night. The little man knew nothing, so Harry helped him do the homework. Harry worked hard the whole year. On the last day of the year, the little man quietly slipped away. Harry got A's in all the subjects. His classmates were amazed; his teachers smiled and were full of praise. And his parents? They wondered what had happened to Harry. He had completely changed. He cleaned his room, did his chores, and was cheerful, never rude. You see, Harry still thinks he'd made that man do all his homework. But I'll share a secret, just between you and me. It wasn't the little man; Harry had done it himself!QI. Answer the following questions:-1. One day while playing football, what did Harry find?a. a mouseb. a golden necklacec. a tiny little remote2. What was Harry's reaction, once he pressed the remote button?Ans: ________________________________________________________ 3. Do you think Harry had completely changed? If yes, write down the lines which tell you that he had changed.Ans: ____________________________________________________________ __________________ 4. What do you mean by this phrase - The little man's face looked as dark as a rain cloud.Ans: ____________________________________________________________ ________________ 5. If you had found a tiny remote like how Harry had found, what task would you assign the little man to do for you?Ans: ____________________________________________________________ _________________ ____________________________________________________________ _____________________ 6. a.From the passage give the synonym for "separate" -______________b.From the passage give the antonym for "polite"- ________________7. Tick the correct word class and frame a sentence of the given word:
Word Word Class Sentence of your own fist nounverbadjective secret nounverbadjective Directed writing:Imagine you are Harry. You are narrating the story to your friend. Tell him how hard you worked to get rid of a bad habit. Use the following pointers for help.
What was the bad habit you had developed and how did it affect you? Did the little man actually help you to do your homework? In your own words describe the changes you found in yourself.____________________________________________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________
GK Quiz-Exploring You (Final Round)
General Knowledge Quiz - 'Exploring You'The General Knowledge Quiz- 'Exploring You' (Final Round) was held on 18th September 2017 for the students of grade 3, 4 and 5. The students participated enthusiastically and they thoroughly enjoyed the quiz.WinnersGrade 33 H - Mahek Khan and Adit Telang3 B - Rigel Gomes and Arjun SethiGrade 44 G - Daniella Williams and Vrushti Anadkat4 E - Riya Kotian and Viraat NigamGrade 55 B - Samit Unni and Yassh Patil5 H - Prajana Goyal and Aayusha Sankhe
Biology sst chapter human environment.
18 September, 2017
Grade 1 & 2 : Art and Craft Competition Winners (21st August 2017)
Grade 1 Math : Pictograph activity
08 September, 2017
Grade 1 & 2 : GK Quiz Winners
07 September, 2017
Grade 1 and 2: GK Quiz Winners
06 September, 2017
Grade 7 - Practise comprehension (September 2017)
Read the passage and answer the questions given below:
The Incredible Machine
Everyone has a favorite attraction at an amusement park, and I am no different. However, unlike most people who seem to prefer rollercoasters, my favorite ride is a little gentler. Every time I go to Coney Island, Navy Pier, or the Santa Monica Pier, I absolutely have to ride the Ferris wheel.
The Ferris wheel is simple and yet also quite complex. That is, riding it is easy, but how it works is complicated. A series of carts are attached to a wheel, which is attached to a rim. That rim rotates vertically around an axis, and gravity keeps the carts upright. As simple as the ride seems, only advanced engineers can make safe and fun Ferris wheels.
What It Lacks in Thrills…
While the Ferris wheel is not as thrilling as a rollercoaster, it is still very exciting. The fact of being high in the air makes it so much more entertaining than a lot of rides. I mean, how often do you hang from that high up in daily life?
Nevertheless, I have to admit, I don't seek Ferris wheels out because of their excitement. Rather, I find them very relaxing. At the top of the Ferris wheel, you get beautiful sights of the park. You also get a sense of calm that you don't get in the hustle and bustle of the park below.
Additionally, Ferris wheels are also gorgeous to look at when they are lit up at night. In fact, the original Ferris wheel was designed as much to be seen as to be ridden.
It happened at the World's Fair
The first Ferris wheel was made by and named after George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr. He designed it for the Chicago World's Fair in 1893. It was the tallest attraction there, standing 264 feet high.
However, visitors to the fair were impressed by the size of the ride as well as the mechanics of it. In 1893, anything that was not turned by hand was considered a sight to see. And the wheel, which was a machine, was truly incredible to see. Further, as one visitor put it, the wheel was amazing because it seemed to be missing support. That is, it did not look like it could stand on its own. And yet it did and even rotated!
They Keep Reaching Higher and Higher
Ferris wheel technology has only improved since then. Most of today's Ferris wheels are much larger than that first one. The largest in the world is the "Singapore Flyer," which stands slightly taller than twice what Ferris's did!
Today, the Ferris wheel is the most common amusement park ride. But that does not mean you should take them for granted. Instead, be thankful for Ferris' invention. The next time you're at an amusement park, don't just look up at the impressive wheel in the sky on your way to a newer attraction. Take it for a spin!
1) 'Everyone has a favorite attraction at an amusement park, and I am no different.' What does the word attraction means – a sense, a park or a ride? Explain.
2) From the passage, find the antonym of the word 'simple'. - ________________
3) What does the author like best about Ferris wheels?
4) When and for what was the Ferris wheel originally designed?
5) Describe the modern Ferris wheels.
Directed Writing: Imagine you visited the amusement park with the author. Write a letter to your cousin telling him/her about your experience. Include the following points:
Write about the Ferris wheel.
History of the Ferris wheel.
Your favorite attraction at the amusement park. (Describe the ride and how you felt taking a ride on it)
18 August, 2017
Grade 4 Science Adaptation in Plants
Grade 5 English Blog Comprehension (August)
Diving is my passion, my life. I have been doing it since I was a kid, starting out with somersaults on the trampoline, and graduating to the springboard of our neighborhood pool. I was taught by my dad, who had been a diver at the University of Pennsylvania.Later, I attended Pennsylvania State University, where I became a platform diver. A 10-meter platform is as high as a three-storey building. You hit the water like a bullet. My first time on the platform, it took me a half hour standing at the edge before I got the nerve to dive. I have never looked back since.After I graduated, I moved to Florida to train with legendary diving coach, Ron O'Brien. Coach O'Brien said I stood a chance of making the US Olympic team that would compete in the Barcelona summer games.
Diving is my passion, my life. I have been doing it since I was a kid, starting out with somersaults on the trampoline, and graduating to the springboard of our neighborhood pool. I was taught by my dad, who had been a diver at the University of Pennsylvania.Later, I attended Pennsylvania State University, where I became a platform diver. A 10-meter platform is as high as a three-storey building. You hit the water like a bullet. My first time on the platform, it took me a half hour standing at the edge before I got the nerve to dive. I have never looked back since.After I graduated, I moved to Florida to train with legendary diving coach, Ron O'Brien. Coach O'Brien said I stood a chance of making the US Olympic team that would compete in the Barcelona summer games.
Training is grueling. The impact of hitting the water at high velocity again and again takes its toll on the body. But all the training was worth it. When I was named to the US Olympic Diving team, I called back home immediately: "I made it, Dad !"Though I had good news, Dad had bad. He was scheduled for open-heart surgery. My first impulse was to skip the Olympics so I could stay with him. Dad would not hear of it. "After all, Mare," he reassured me, "isn't this what I got you started on ? Remember ?"Through all my years of competition, one image I kept close was that of my father bending me into the proper dive position on the springboard when I was little.Now, hugging me goodbye before I left for Barcelona, my father said, "I'll be watching you on TV, Mare." Dad, who had taken all seven of us children to church every Sunday, kept a strong faith that would sustain him through whatever lay ahead. On the plane, I prayed and received the strong impression he would be all right.Soon I was faced with another dilemma. The opening ceremonies were scheduled to take place between 8.00 pm and 1.00 am the night before my first event. I would get only a few hours' sleep if I marched with the other US Olympians. "We can always watch it on TV back at the Olympic village," Coach said.I recalled Dad's words: "I'll be watching you on TV." I had got word he had come through his surgery nicely and was recovering well. It would make him very proud to see me with the other Americans. So I marched, the only platform diver at the ceremonies.After the next day's competition, I was in second place. My coach said I was "a dark horse for a medal". The Russian and Chinese divers had been heavily favored. At 29, I had been written off by most people as too old to win. "Maybe you should march before all your events," Coach joked.But my next-to-last dive was a disaster and plunged me into fifth place. I had one final shot at a medal. As I stood on the platform ready to take my last dive, I paused a bit longer than usual. The announcement came over the loudspeaker. "Mary Ellen Clark of the United States, doing a backward one-and-a-half somersault with two-and-a-half twists.I stepped up to the edge of the platform and turned my back to the water. With a quick prayer and an incredible sense of lightness, I was airborne, arcing out over the pool, twisting and tumbling, the Barcelona skyline flashing by. A micro-instant later, I ripped into the water. I knew I had nailed the dive. When I shot back to the surface, Coach O'Brien was yelling, "Bronze, Mary Ellen, bronze!"As I stood on the awards platform to accept my medal, I knew Dad was watching. This is for you, Dad, I thought. What an incredible feeling!Language record-
Word Word Class Meaning grueling incredible somersault
Frame sentence of your own:1) grueling: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 2) incredible: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 3) somersault: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
Answer the following questions in your own words.1) Who had been Mary Ellen's first diving coach?____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 2) Mary Ellen loved platform diving and yet, she found it a frightening thing to do at first.. Quote a phrase that expresses how frightening this experience was.____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 3) Why did Mary Ellen consider missing the Olympics ?____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 4) Mary Ellen was the only platform diver at the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. Give the main reason why the other platform divers had missed the ceremonies.____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 5) Why did she finally decide to take part in the opening ceremonies?____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 6) Mary Ellen's coach said she was "a dark horse for a medal".(a) Explain what this phrase means.(b) State two reasons why he called her "a dark horse for a medal".____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 7) Express in your own words how Mary Ellen had performed for her last two dives.____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 8) Give a suitable title to this passage.____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
Directed Writing:Imagine you are Mary Ellen from the given passage. Make a diary entry recounting the challenges you faced in your bid to win a medal as a platform diver. Include the following points.
Your passion and the difficulties you faced. Your interaction with your dad. Your thoughts and feelings.____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ________________________________ _____________________________ _______________ ____________________________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________ _______________ ____________________________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________ _______________ ____________________________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________ _______________ ____________________________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________ _______________ ____________________________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________ _______________ ____________________________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________ _______________ ____________________________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________ _______________ ____________________________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________ _______________ ____________________________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________ _______________ ____________________________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________ _______________ ____________________________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________ _______________ ____________________________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________ _______________ ____________________________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________ _______________ ____________________________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________ _______________ ____________________________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________ _______________ ____________________________________________ _______________________________ _