30 September, 2014

"Grade 1 English Activity."

Children were given instruction to stick animal pictures in the worksheet book and say few lines to advertise their pet shop. 

22 September, 2014

Grade 7 Practice Comprehension –Answers

I. Read the passage and answer the questions:
                                               Avoid Dengue
Like malaria, dengue is spread by mosquitoes, whose favorite breeding grounds are stagnant fresh water collections as found in desert coolers, overhead tanks, uncovered water containers and backyard litter, especially tyres.
Deprive mosquitoes of their breeding grounds. Protect yourself from mosquito bites by using screens, mats, etc. Regularly change water in your air coolers. Clean and cover the overhead tanks.
The disease is marked by a sudden onset of moderately high fever, excruciating joint pains, intense pain behind the eyes, a second rise in temperature after a brief remission, body rash and a reduction in neutrophilic white cells.
Its worst form, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, is identified by pimple-like red spot all over the body as well as a bleeding nose and gums. Blood could also be found in vomit, loose motions and urine.
Severe pain can be relieved by paracetamol but occasionally opiates are required. Aspirin should be avoided. Fluid replacement, blood transfusions and corticosteroids are recommended in hemorrhagic variety.
1. Give two symptoms of dengue.
High fever and joint pains
2. How can mosquito breeding be eliminated?
It can be eliminated by changing water in air coolers, cleaning and covering the overhead tanks.
3. How can you create awareness among people around you regarding diseases in general?
Form a club, arrange meetings and make the people in your society aware of cleanliness and hygiene. Other preventive measure is by calling the pest control once in a fortnight to your society.
{Answers apart from this also welcome}
4. Find the synonym from the passage:
(i) accute   intense     (ii) dismiss relieve       (iii) unbearable excruciating
5. Find the antonym:
(i) flowing   stagnant        (ii) stale  fresh          (iii) provide  deprive

18 September, 2014

Grade 7 Practice Comprehension – September month

I. Read the passage and answer the questions:
                                               Avoid Dengue
Like malaria, dengue is spread by mosquitoes, whose favorite breeding grounds are stagnant fresh water collections as found in desert coolers, overhead tanks, uncovered water containers and backyard litter, especially tyres.
Deprive mosquitoes of their breeding grounds. Protect yourself from mosquito bites by using screens, mats, etc. Regularly change water in your air coolers. Clean and cover the overhead tanks.
The disease is marked by a sudden onset of moderately high fever, excruciating joint pains, intense pain behind the eyes, a second rise in temperature after a brief remission, body rash and a reduction in neutrophilic white cells.
Its worst form, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, is identified by pimple-like red spot all over the body as well as a bleeding nose and gums. Blood could also be found in vomit, loose motions and urine.
Severe pain can be relieved by paracetamol but occasionally opiates are required. Aspirin should be avoided. Fluid replacement, blood transfusions and corticosteroids are recommended in hemorrhagic variety.
1. Give two symptoms of dengue.
2. How can mosquito breeding be eliminated?
3. How can you create awareness among people around you regarding diseases in general?
4. Find the synonym from the passage:
(i) accute                  (ii) dismiss              (iii) unbearable
5. Find the antonym:
(i) flowing                  (ii) stale                  (iii) provide

15 September, 2014

Grade 2- English Activity

Learning sequencing

The concept of sequencing was explained to the students with a simple sandwich making activity. The students learnt to make a sandwich keeping in mind the correct sequence of placing the ingredients. The students enjoyed the activity and relished the sandwich as well.



Grade 3 Comprehension

GRADE 3                  
                                       The Apple Tree
Read the passage and answer the questions given below.
                There was once an old apple tree in a farmer's garden. It could not bear fruit anymore. But a large number of sparrows, squirrels and other small birds and insects lived in the tree. One day the farmer decided to cut down the tree. ``It has become useless," he said to himself. "But its wood is still strong. I can make some tables and chairs with the wood."  He took a sharp axe in his hands and stuck at the roots of the tree.
            At once, the birds and animals in the tree cried aloud. The grasshoppers, the sparrows and the squirrels came out of their holes and nests. ``Please sir," they begged the farmer. ``Save this tree. It's our only home!" But the farmer did not listen to them. He went on striking at the tree harder and harder. As the farmer raised his axe one more time, he saw something in the hallow of the tree. It was a beehive. It was full of honey. He tasted the honey. "Ummmmm! It tastes so sweet," he said. ``So," said the farmer, ``the tree is not useless after all. If I take some honey now, the bees will make more. They won't go away from their home."
         "Listen!" he cried to the birds and the insects, "I shall not cut down this tree. It's your home. You can live in peace now." And he threw his axe away. "The farmer isn't a kind man," said the sparrows, the grasshoppers and the squirrels,
"He wants the tree because there is honey in the beehive."
But they cried out of joy. 
Their homes were safe.

1. The farmer wanted to cut the tree .Why?
a. A large number of birds and animals lived in the tree.
b. The tree did not bear any fruit.
c. The tree wood was very weak.
2. What did the farmer want to do with the wood?
a. make tables and chairs.
b. build a big house
c. use it for making ash by burning the wood.
3. The birds and animals begged the farmer to save the tree. Why?
a. It was a beautiful tree.
b. Its wood was strong.
c. The tree was their only home.
4. The farmer did not cut the tree down. Why?
a. He loved the small birds and animals.
b. He wanted to get honey from the beehive.
c. He wanted to show pity on birds and animals.

5. Do you think the farmer was kind to the animals? Why?

6. Why did the farmer decided at the end not to cut down the tree?

Language Record
Word Class
Frame Sentence



Directed Writing
Imagine you are the farmer from the passage. Share your experience about the old apple tree in your garden.

Points to be included:
a.     You decided to cut the old apple tree.
b.     Birds and animals pleaded you not to destroy their homes.
c.      You do not listen to them and continue chopping the tree.
d.     Finally/At the end when you see a beehive in the tree you decide not to cut down the tree.

Practice Unseen Comprehension - Grade 5

Train from London to Europe by Eurostar

With Eurostar, Paris is only three hours from London. It used to take three journeys – a trip to the airport, a flight, and then a third journey from airport to city centre. With Eurostar, it's one journey direct from city centre to city centre. It is one of the most technologically advanced trains in the world, speeding you effortlessly at 290 km per hour through the beautiful countryside of Europe.

And on Eurostar not only do you save time, but your time belongs to you. You have space. You can read, relax and even enjoy a delicious meal.

Somewhere magical
Eurostar can carry you straight to the centre of Disneyland in Paris. During the school holidays and from April to September, the direct service operates daily. At other times of the year, it runs at weekends. You can spend your journey planning the fun and with over 50 attractions for both adults and children at the Disneyland Park, there is plenty of fun to choose from. It's a wonderful place where everybody is guaranteed an unforgettable experience.

Easy to book, easy to travel
Our friendly, multi-lingual staffs are available at all times to help you, both at the terminal and on the train. To reserve your ticket, the telephone booking line is open from 08:00 to 21:00 Monday to Saturday and 09:00 to 17:00 on Sundays, or visit the website at www.eurostar.com where you will find some great ideas and useful information about destinations to help you plan your trip.

Eurostar tickets can be booked up to 90 days in advance. Whether you have booked on the telephone or the internet, we can send the tickets to your home address, or, for last-minute bookings, you can collect them at the Eurostar station just before your journey.

Do you travel a lot?
For those who travel regularly, Eurostar Frequent Traveller membership brings many benefits, such as express check-in (up to ten minutes before departure). As a member, you can also earn points every time you travel, which can be exchanged for rewards. Call 07814 113 114 for further information or an application form.

a.How fast can the Eurostar train travel?
(b) Apart from relaxing, what else can you do on the train? Give two details.
(c) What does Disneyland offer for all the family?

(e) How can Eurostar staff help if you do not speak English?

(f) Give two ways to book a ticket
(g) Why is it not possible to reserve tickets in January for travel in August?  

(h) How can Eurostar Frequent Traveller members earn rewards?

b.     Pick out synonyms for the following words from the passage:
1.     Superior - ______________________ advanced
2.     Functions - _____________________ operates
3.     Advantages - ___________________ benefits
4.     Guaranteed - ___________________ assured

Directed Writing:  

Write a letter to your friend encouraging him to travel to Disneyland - Paris by Eurostar.

§  Advantages of travelling by Eurostar.
§  The favourable months to plan a vacation to Disneyland and how to book the tickets.
§  Share your own ideas and tips with him on how he can make the best of his vacation.

Grade 4 Comprehension 2.

Grade 4 Comprehension 2                             
Foggy Figure

Read the following passage and answer the given questions:
Justin and Mary were on a vacation at their uncle's lake house. This was their favourite vacation spot as they loved the lake house. It is blessed unbelievable sight of nature. Squirrels keep running across. Humming birds and the woodpeckers knock out a tune. The air is fragrant with honeysuckles, pine, and grass. Just above the waters limits are thick blades of grass colouring the earth that make a carpet to walk on. The grass seems like a neon light around the shore of the entire lake.
Justin and Mary woke up early, even though they were on a vacation. The night before, Uncle Thomas told them about the Foggy Figure that haunts the lake. Justin and Mary were determined to see the ghostly creature before their vacation was over.
"Is it foggy outside?" Mary asked, as Justin peered out through the window.
"Yup! Let's go!" Justin let go of the curtain and rushed to the door with Mary on his heels.
It was only 5:00AM, so everyone else in the house was still asleep. As they crept through the kitchen to the back door, Mary sniffed the air. It had the faint scent of coffee and something sweet. She shrugged it off and followed Justin out of the door, down the back steps and out onto the boat dock. The fog had settled over the lake, making it impossible to see anything.
"Can you see anything?" Mary asked, leaning forward for a closer look.
"Nothing. Do you think Uncle Thomas was just trying to scare us with that story?"
Uncle Thomas did have a good imagination. He'd been telling Justin and Mary stories for years, but this was the first scary story. Mary had a feeling it wasn't made up.
Mary shook her head. "Remember what Uncle Thomas said? The Foggy Figure haunts the lake. We're on the dock. Maybe that's why we can't see him. The people in the story were in boats."
"You want to go out on the water?" Justin asked.
Mary looked around, trying to find Uncle Thomas's boat, but the fog was too thick.
"Mom and Dad will be really angry if we go out on the lake alone in this fog," Justin said.
Mary shrugged. "Maybe we don't have to go anywhere. We could sit in the boat while it's docked. That wouldn't be dangerous."
"Okay." Justin crept towards the end of the dock. He could barely see the outline of the boat. "I'll go first." He carefully lowered himself into the boat and then reached out for Mary's hand.
Mary climbed into the boat and sat beside him. She was getting nervous now that they were on the water. "Can you see anything?" asked Justin
They looked around, and gradually, the fog began to haul up. Mary turned around and screamed. "The Foggy Figure!" It was in the boat with them!
Justin and Mary hugged each other in fear, but then they heard laughter. Justin leaned towards the Foggy Figure. "Oh it's you Uncle Thomas!"
"I knew that this story would get you two out of bed early enough to take a boat ride with me."
Mary sighed, happily as there was no Foggy Figure after all. Justin looked relieved, too.
Uncle Thomas laughed. "What do you say? I packed some breakfast for us."
Mary smiled. She had smelled coffee. Uncle Thomas had packed pastries for them, too.
"Let's have some hot coffee," Mary and Justin said.

Q 1. When and where does this story take place?
Q 2. What stories did Uncle Thomas tell Justin and Mary?
Q 3. A. Based on the information in the story, choose one word that describes Uncle Thomas.
 a) scared              b) lonely              c) imaginative       d) nervous
B. Why do you think it is the most suitable description for Uncle Thomas?
Q 4. Why did Justin and Mary not take the boat out alone on the lake?
Q 5. What made Justin and Mary nervous and frightened?

Q 6. Given below are the clues to find the word from the passage:

1) Having low clouds near the surface of the land or water_________________

2) Wooden pathway on water for fishing or keeping boats_________________

3) Not all at once_________________

4) Sweet breakfast food______________________

5) Feeling worried____________________

II       Directed writing:

Imagine you are Justin; write a letter to your friend about the adventurous moments you spent with Uncle Thomas during your vacation.

·        Describe Uncle Thomas and his lake house.

·        What did you do when Uncle Thomas told you the story of a 'Foggy Figure'?

·        How did you feel about spending this adventurous moment with Uncle Thomas?

Grade 3 Science : Birds and Insects

Grade 3 Science : Birds and Insects

Students were shown cut-outs of different types of beaks and claws. Uses of beaks and claws were discussed

Three types of feathers where displayed in the class. The function of each was discussed.

Students were amazed to see the actual nest of a weaver bird and also the preserved specimen of the Butterfly in various stages of its life cycle.

Grade 3 Science: Organ Systems

Grade 3 Science: Organ Systems

There was a lot of excitement in the class for this topic. Students absorbed every information and asked a lot of questions related to the human anatomy.

Students observed and learnt from the models of the Human Skeleton and Digestive System in the science laboratory.

Activity: Respiratory, Digestive and Excretory systems were created by the students using coloured papers and mount-board.

Blog on Grade II English Speaking Skill Activity

Grade II English Speaking Skill Activity

Children had to advertise their products for sale. They came up with innovative ideas, attractive answers and colourful props and banners using different adjectives to advertise their products.

Grade 3 Unseen Passage With Answers

GRADE 3                   Unseen Passages                       

                                  The Apple Tree
Read the passage and answer the questions given below.
There was once an old apple tree in a farmer's garden. It could not bear fruit anymore. But a large number of sparrows, squirrels and other small birds and insects lived in the tree. One day the farmer decided to cut down the tree. ``It has become useless," he said to himself. "But its wood is still strong. I can make some tables and chairs with the wood."  He took a sharp axe in his hands and stuck at the roots of the tree.
            At once, the birds and animals in the tree cried aloud. The grasshoppers, the sparrows and the squirrels came out of their holes and nests. ``Please sir," they begged the farmer. ``Save this tree. It's our only home!" But the farmer did not listen to them. He went on striking at the tree harder and harder. As the farmer raised his axe one more time, he saw something in the hollow of the tree. It was a beehive. It was full of honey. He tasted the honey. "Ummmmm! It tastes so sweet," he said. ``So," said the farmer, ``the tree is not useless after all. If I take some honey now, the bees will make more. They won't go away from their home."
         "Listen!" he cried to the birds and the insects, "I shall not cut down this tree. It's your home. You can live in peace now." And he threw his axe away. "The farmer isn't a kind man," said the sparrows, the grasshoppers and the squirrels,
"He wants the tree because there is honey in the beehive."
But they cried out of joy. Their homes were safe.

1. The farmer wanted to cut the tree .Why?
a. A large number of birds and animals lived in the tree.
b. The tree did not bear any fruit.
c. The tree wood was very weak.

2. What did the farmer want to do with the wood?
a. make tables and chairs.
b. build a big house
c. use it for making ash by burning the wood.

3.The birds and animals begged the farmer to save the tree. Why?
a. It was a beautiful tree.
b. Its wood was strong.
c. The tree was their only home.

4. The farmer did not cut the tree down. Why?
a. He loved the small birds and animals.
b. He wanted to get honey from the beehive.
c. He wanted to show pity on birds and animals.

5. Do you think the farmer was kind to the animals? Why?
Application based question

6. Why did the farmer decided at the end not to cut down the tree?
The farmer decided not to cut down the tree because, he found a beehive in the hollow of the tree and he thought that he would get sweet honey from it.

Language Record
Word Class
Frame Sentence
hit with great force.
firm,  solid  

Directed Writing
Imagine you are the farmer from the passage. Share your experience about the old apple tree in your garden.
Points to be included:
a.     You decided to cut the old apple tree.
b.     Birds and animals pleaded you to not to destroy their homes.
c.      You do not listen to them and continue chopping the tree.
d.     Finally/At the end when you see a beehive in the tree you decide not to cut down the tree.
          I am a farmer. I had many trees in my garden. All the trees were strong and bared good juicy fruits, except for the apple tree. The apple tree had grown old and did not bear any fruits, though its wood was very strong which was useful for me to make tables and chairs. So one fine day I decided to cut down the old apple tree.
         I took a sharp axe in my hands and started to strike at the roots of the tree. When I raised my axe, the sparrows, the grasshoppers and the squirrels cried out loudly and started pleading with me not to cut down the old apple tree as it was their only home.
         I was in a hurry as I wanted to finish chopping the tree by that afternoon. I went on striking at the tree harder and harder. I just wanted to concentrate on my work, so I just did not listen to the birds and the animals and went on chopping the tree.
            While I was chopping the tree, I saw something in the hollow of the tree.  To my surprise it was a beehive. It was full of honey. I tasted it. It was ummmmm and so sweet. I got a bit greedy and thought that if I cut down the tree now, the honey bees would go away and I would miss the opportunity to get the sweet honey. So, I decided not to cut the tree as the honey would be very beneficial to me. The birds and animals also cried out in joy, when they came to know that I was not going to cut down the old apple tree and their homes were safe.

Grade 6 - Practice Comprehension for September

Read the following passage and answer the questions given below.
Sub Sandwich
Story By: Andrew Frinkle

Rory was hungry like a wolf. He was ready to destroy some sandwiches. He decided that a sub sandwich was the only thing that could satisfy his intense hunger, so he went to the local sub shop just down the street. This place was nice, because they knew him by name.
The worker called out his name and said hello when he walked in the door. When the door bells chimed and shut behind him, Rory smiled and settled into line, staring at the menu board. There were a lot of choices, and the smell of cheeses and herb breads already had his mouth watering.
When it was his turn, he chose the bread first, having considered his choices while he waited. "I'll take a super 18 inch on Italian Herb and Cheese Bread."
The worker pulled the bread from the warmer, then masterfully sliced and prepared the extra-long loaf of tasty bread. "What kind of meats?"
"I'll have grilled chicken and roast beef today." The ham and turkey looked good, too, as did the meatballs, but he didn't want them this time.
The sliced meats were rolled and placed on the sliced bread. "And what sort of cheese would you like?"
"I want the pepper jack and provolone cheeses mixed together," Rory decided. Those were layered on carefully, alternating as they were spaced out along the sandwich bread. "Toast that for me, if you would."
The worked nodded, grabbed a toaster platter, shoveled the sandwich on there, and then placed it in the toaster oven. A press of a button and a few moments later, it was ready. It came out hot and steaming, with the bread edges turned a nice crusty brown, and the cheese melted and gooey.
"What veggies and sauces will we be putting for this sandwich, Rory?"
"I want everything except pickles and extra tomatoes," Rory answered. He watched hungrily as the lettuce, tomato, onion, green peppers, spinach, olives, and banana peppers were spread across the sandwich.
Now it was time for sauces. "I'll take the spicy wasabi mayo and a touch of southwest sauce. Finish it with some parmesan cheese sprinkled on top, oregano, and some black pepper."
"You're going all out today." The worker said, following the directions carefully. When the sandwich was finished, he packed all the toppings in carefully so it could be cut into thirds. Then he wrapped it in waxed paper and slid it into a plastic bag. "Would you like any chips or drinks?"
Rory shook his head. "No, thank you; I just need the sandwich."
The worker nodded, punched a few buttons on the cash register, and announced, "That'll be eight twenty-seven."
Rory paid with a ten, and collected his change, leaving the coins as a tip, while keeping the one dollar bill. Then he waved and headed out to the car for his first bite of a huge sandwich. It tasted just as good as it had smelled and looked. It hit the spot.
1)    Find the simile from the passage.

2)    What do you understand by 'He was ready to destroy some sandwiches'?

3)    Why did Rory choose the local sub shop?

4)    Mention the order in which the sandwich was prepared for Rory.

5)    How was the sandwich packed?

6)    Write the phrase/idiom from the passage which means - To achieve or find something desired or sought

7)    From the passage, find the synonym for:

a)     Extreme - __________________ 
b) moved - __________________
Directed Writing:  Imagine you are a reporter.  Write an article about this local sandwich shop.  Answer the following pointers:
·        How does this shop treat its customers?
·        The food they prepare and serve
·        Your view (feeling) about this shop.