03 August, 2011

Secondary - Math Awareness Week

Math Awareness week was held from 18.7.11 to 22.7.11. Students had fun filled activities for the entire week.

The topics were:

1. Math in Everyday life: Every day activities like measuring area occupied by a person, diagonal of the TT table, quantity of water consumed each day, number of lines written in each week were conducted wherein students made these measurements without using a ruler.

2. Math and Game: Different puzzles were conducted for different grades. Grade 6 had Number Bingo, Grade 7 had Geo dot, Grade 8 had graph game and Grade 9 played the path puzzle.

3. History of Math: Students watched videos on Origin of zero and origin of numbers and answered a quiz based on the facts.

4. Math and Dance (Pattern formation): Students formed various patterns like tree, boat, house etc using geometrical patterns.

5. 3D models and Math: Students constructed Solids and Bridges in the Math lab. They had fun making these models.

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