16 July, 2013

Grade 7 : Singing Competition rules


THEME  :   Nature

·        Participation is compulsory and accounts for class participation grades in the term marksheet.
·        Students can participate in any one of the categories mentioned below
·        Students can make groups with students from other divisions as well.
·        Students need to formulate their own practice schedules,as per their parents instructions.
·        In school , time during short and long break can be effectively used by students for the same.
·        Students have to carry their own instruments .(school bus can be used if student is a bus student)
·        The school will not beheld responsible for any damage to the musical instrument carried by the student.
·        If participating in the Karaoke category,students need to carry a CD with only that piece on it.
·        No vulgar/objectionable lyrics will be allowed


Nos of partcipants
Time  duration
Solo with /without band
1 ½ minutes
Group singing/with /without band
Max -12
3 mins
Music instrumental piece
Max -12
3 mins
Karaoke singing
Solo or a group of max 5
1 ½ minutes
Beat Boxing
Solo or max group of 5
1 ½ minutes

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