07 July, 2015

Blog Comprehension - Grade 5


 The Monster in the Barn

Bobby was preparing to go to bed late one evening when he heard a shrill screech coming from the barn outside. Bobby was unsure what was making such an eerie noise so late in the night. He had trouble falling asleep and tossed and turned all night dreaming about the haunting sounds emanating from the barn. When Bobby awakened the following morning, he hurried out to the barn to discover what was causing such a peculiar noise the night prior. He gathered his courage and entered the barn but left befuddled when he could not find what was making such noise. That evening after dinner as the sun was setting, Bobby grabbed a flashlight and set out for the barn.


"Where are you heading?" Bobby's father asked. "I am going to go find the monster that was making such a commotion last night," Bobby replied. "If you are going to look for a monster, you might need some assistance," Bobby's dad responded as he walked with Bobby out to the barn.


Bobby shined his flashlight into the barn, but he did not see anything. Bobby called out but only his echo returned. He walked into the barn but there was no monster. "What did this monster sound like?" Bobby's dad asked. "It was a screeching noise," Bobby said, "and it was coming from the barn.  I know it!"

Bobby's dad began to chuckle and he took the flashlight from Bobby. Shining the flashlight up at the roof of the barn, Bobby and his dad saw a small brown owl in the rafters of the roof. "It was only a barn owl that you heard last night," Bobby's dad said. "They are nocturnal predators so that is why you only heard him at night. He must have been hunting for his dinner."

Bobby was elated that it wasn't a monster and thanked his dad as they walked back to the house. Just then they heard a loud screech and looked up to see the barn owl flying away into the night sky.

Answer the following questions:

1) Why did Bobby have trouble falling asleep?


2)  The word befuddled means

a. Confused

b. Smart

c. Scared


3.) Explain in your own words, what is the passage about?


4.) Where was the barn owl when Bobby and his father found him?


5.) What are nocturnal predators?


6.) Suggest a title for the story.

Directed Writing:

Imagine you are Bobby. Write a letter to your friend, informing him/her about the barn incident.

You can use the following points to write:

·         The horrific experience you had at night.

·         How did Dad help you to solve the mystery of the haunting sounds.

·         Describe your feelings about the entire incident.

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