21 July, 2017

Fwd: Blog for July month - GRADE 3 COMPREHENSION



       The child who saw Santa Claus
Once upon a time, there was a child who wanted to see Santa Clause. 'I am old enough now to see Santa Clause,' the child said. 'I am seven years old. Show him to me, mother,' he begged.
'Oh, I cannot show you,' the child's mother said.' I can tell you about Santa Claus but I cannot show you his face.' 'May I go out and look for Santa Claus, myself, then?',the child asked. 'Yes, you may go out and look for Santa Claus,' the child's mother said, and she brought him his warm coat and cap and his mittens (gloves). 'But do not go too far away from home,' she added. At the gate, the child met his grandfather. He was a very old man with white hair and spectacles. Now, his grandfather's arms were full of fat packets. One packet looked as if it were a toy fire engine and another packet looked as if it were a mask, and a ball and gloves.
'Where are you going?'the child's grandfather asked. 'I am going to see Santa Claus,' the child answered.  

The grandfather smiled until his blue eyes shone(looked bright and shiny). 'Will you know Santa Claus when you see him?' he asked. 'Oh, yes,' the child said. 'Santa Claus is an old man with white hair, and twinkling (sparkling) eyes, and a nose like a cherry-' but the child suddenly stopped. 'Oho!' his grandfather laughed, and the child listened in surprise. He had never heard such a merry laugh before. The child saw some horses coming his way but did not know which way to go. He might have been hurt, but a hand took hold of his and helped him safely across the street. He looked up at the man, who wore a long red cloak. 'Who are you?' the child asked.  'One of the christmas helpers,' the man said. 'I stand here at the street corner and ring a christmas bell. People who pass by give me money for the poor people I help. And where are you going?' he asked the child.'I am going to see Santa Claus,' the child answered. 'Will you know Santa Claus when you see him?' the man asked. 'Oh , yes,' the child said , ' Santa Claus wears a long red cloak-' But then the child stopped...wondering.

A little farther on, there was an old man, sitting in a shop, and making toys. The toyman turned to the child who was just going out of the shop. 'Where are you going?' the toymaker asked the child. 'I am going to see Santa Claus,'  the child answered. 'Will you know Santa Claus when you see him?' the toyman asked. Oh , yes,' the child said, 'Santa Claus will be making toys-' but he did not say any more. He got down from his bench and put a box of little wooden animals in the child's hands.'Merry Christmas to you from Santa Claus!' said the toyman, as the child thanked him and went on, wondering. The child went back home and his mother was very glad to have him back.'Did you see Santa Claus?' she asked. 'Oh , yes!' the child answered. 'I saw him when I met Grandfather, and I saw him standing in a red cloak at the street corner and helping the poor. I saw him in the toyman's shop. I saw Santa Claus everywhere,' the child said.

QA. Answer the following questions:-

1.  How old was the boy?
a.  5 years old
b. 6 years old
c. 7 years old

2.Did the boy stop speaking each time he described Santa Claus to the three people he met and why?

3.  The christmas helper performed a good deed, explain what was it?

4. Write down any two points how the boy described Santa Claus to his mother?

5.Which festival does the story remind you of? Write down two wishes that you would like to make to Santa Claus

6. a.From the passage give the synonym for carefully   ______________
    b.From the passage give the antonym for cry       ____________

7.      Tick the correct word class and frame a sentence of the given word:
word class
Directed writing:
Imagine you are the boy.You are narrating the story to your friend. Tell him all that you did to meet Santa Claus.Use the following pointers for help.
  • The reason you went out of the house.Write about your experience when you met your grandfather.
  • The third person that you met on your way.
  • In your own words how did you describe Santa Claus to your mother.

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