
13 November, 2017

September month - GRADE 3 COMPREHENSION

GRADE 3 COMPREHENSION Answer Key - September

A Boy Who Hated Homework

Harry hated homework. He played cricket and football and even computer games. But homework? No, Sir! His teachers told him,"Harry!Do your homework or you won't learn a thing." And it's true; sometimes he didn't know the simplest things. But he found homework so boring!

One day while playing football, he saw a cat playing with something shiny. He shooed the cat away and picked up the tiny object. It was a tiny little remote! It had just one button. Harry pressed the button. Poof! A tiny little man appeared in front of him. He was as tiny as a mouse! Harry was shocked; he almost threw away the remote.

"Oh please, please don't do that. I'll do anything, save me from the cat! I'll grant you a wish, I promise you that." Now Harry was clever, Harry was wise. At once, Harry decided and told the little man,"You've got to do my homework for the whole year." The little man's face looked as dark as a rain cloud. He shook his fists and jumped up and down, but Harry was as firm as a rock- the little man had to do his homework.

They started that evening. In the beginning everything went fine. The little man had such a lovely handwriting and he wrote so fast. Harry was sure all his problems were solved. But soon there was a problem. The little man hardly knew any words! He didn't know the meaning of even simple words.

"Oh get me the dictionary, Harry, please do, or better still, look up the meaning, why don't you?" So Harry helped him with spellings and meanings. But that wasn't all! The little man had no idea of multiplication. "What are these tables", he yelled, "I can't multiply, divide or even add! Harry, please help me, now you are a good lad!"

So Harry helped him with Math. Now the little man came from another country, so he had no idea of history or geography or even science. Harry worked hard day and night. The little man knew nothing, so Harry helped him do the homework. Harry worked hard the whole year. On the last day of the year, the little man quietly slipped away. Harry got A's in all the subjects. His classmates were amazed; his teachers smiled and were full of praise. And his parents? They wondered what had happened to Harry. He had completely changed. He cleaned his room, did his chores, and was cheerful, never rude. You see, Harry still thinks he'd made that man do all his homework. But I'll share a secret, just between you and me. It wasn't the little man; Harry had done it himself!

QI. Answer the following questions:-

1.  One day while playing football, what did Harry find?
a.  a mouse
b. a golden necklace
c. a tiny little remote

2. What was Harry's reaction, once he pressed the remote button?
Ans: ________________________________________________________

3. Do you think Harry had completely changed? If yes, write down the lines which tell you that he had changed.
Ans: ______________________________________________________________________________

4. What do you mean by this phrase - The little man's face looked as dark as a rain cloud.
Ans: ____________________________________________________________________________
5. If you had found a tiny remote like how Harry had found, what task would you assign the little man to do for you?
Ans: _____________________________________________________________________________

6. a.From the passage give the synonym for "separate" -______________
   b.From the passage give the antonym for "polite"- ________________     

7. Tick the correct word class and frame a sentence of the given word:
Word Class
Sentence of your own


Directed writing:
Imagine you are Harry. You are narrating the story to your friend. Tell him how hard you worked to get rid of a bad habit. Use the following pointers for help.
  • What was the bad habit you had developed and how did it affect you?
  • Did the little man actually help you to do your homework?
  • In your own words describe the changes you found in yourself.

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