22 September, 2014

Grade 7 Practice Comprehension –Answers

I. Read the passage and answer the questions:
                                               Avoid Dengue
Like malaria, dengue is spread by mosquitoes, whose favorite breeding grounds are stagnant fresh water collections as found in desert coolers, overhead tanks, uncovered water containers and backyard litter, especially tyres.
Deprive mosquitoes of their breeding grounds. Protect yourself from mosquito bites by using screens, mats, etc. Regularly change water in your air coolers. Clean and cover the overhead tanks.
The disease is marked by a sudden onset of moderately high fever, excruciating joint pains, intense pain behind the eyes, a second rise in temperature after a brief remission, body rash and a reduction in neutrophilic white cells.
Its worst form, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, is identified by pimple-like red spot all over the body as well as a bleeding nose and gums. Blood could also be found in vomit, loose motions and urine.
Severe pain can be relieved by paracetamol but occasionally opiates are required. Aspirin should be avoided. Fluid replacement, blood transfusions and corticosteroids are recommended in hemorrhagic variety.
1. Give two symptoms of dengue.
High fever and joint pains
2. How can mosquito breeding be eliminated?
It can be eliminated by changing water in air coolers, cleaning and covering the overhead tanks.
3. How can you create awareness among people around you regarding diseases in general?
Form a club, arrange meetings and make the people in your society aware of cleanliness and hygiene. Other preventive measure is by calling the pest control once in a fortnight to your society.
{Answers apart from this also welcome}
4. Find the synonym from the passage:
(i) accute   intense     (ii) dismiss relieve       (iii) unbearable excruciating
5. Find the antonym:
(i) flowing   stagnant        (ii) stale  fresh          (iii) provide  deprive

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