07 November, 2014

Grade 4 (Comprehension 4)

I        Read the passage and answer the questions given below

Diary of a Dancer 


Alicia carried the box to the upper floor attic (a loft) and placed it next to all the other moving boxes. She couldn't believe how much stuff her grandparents had accumulated over the years. And they insisted on bringing it all to their new house. Alicia walked to the window and peered down at the street below. The town was very quiet. Alicia's grandparents' had a pool at their last house. This house was much smaller and the yard couldn't fit a pool.

But the attic was interesting. It was a full room with a low ceiling. Alicia figured she could ask her grandparents if she could put a chair up here and may be a table, too. It wouldn't be a bad place to hang out. She saw a trunk in the corner and a book resting on the floor in front of it. Alicia picked up the book. The cover was blank, so she flipped through the pages. "A diary!" Alicia said. She sat down and started to read. The girl in the diary was amazing. She was a dancer.

Alicia had always wanted to take dance classes, but she wasn't the most graceful person. She worried she'd embarrass herself. Alicia read the diary for a long time, until her grandmother walked into the attic room. "What do you have there?" Grandma Maggie asked. Alicia held up the diary. "I found this diary on top of the trunk. I think it belonged to the girl who used to live here." Grandma Maggie shook her head. "No, sweetie. That's my old diary, from when I was about your age." Alicia's eyes widen. "You're the girl in the diary? But she was a dancer." Grandma Maggie twirled across the attic. "Yes, I was. Looks like I still remember a few things, too." Alicia smiled. "I wish I knew how to dance."

Grandma Maggie looked around the attic. "I think there will be enough room for a dance studio up here after we go through all these boxes. What do you say you help me sort through all this stuff, and then I'll teach you a few things about dance?" "That would be great!" Alicia said, opening the box closest to her.

 1. What was Alicia doing at the beginning of this story?


 2. When Alicia began reading the diary, to whom did she think it belonged? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




3. Where does this story take place? 



 4. Why do you think Alicia was interested in learning about dance from grandma? (Application)


 5. What type of story is this?         

a. non-fiction         b. folk tale           c. real fiction                            d. science fiction


6.  List the correct order of these events. Write the correct number in the boxes below:

1. Alicia discovers that the book was written by a dancer. _____                      

2. Grandma Maggie offers to teach her about dance.     ______

3. Alicia saw a book on the floor.               ______

4. Grandma Maggie notices Alicia reading the book._____

5. Alicia realizes the book is a diary._____

7.Find a word from the story to match each definition.

1. collected over a long period of time – _________

2. looked – ________

3. wouldn't take no for an answer – ___________

4. turn  round and round – _____________

5. place where an artist or dancer works or learns – ___________




II  Directed Writing:                                                                                 

Imagine you are Alicia in the story; Write a letter to your mother telling her about the interesting things at grandma's house.

·        Describe the attic.

·        What book did you find and why did it catch your interest.

·        How did you feel when your grandma said she would teach you few things about dance.


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