11 August, 2010

“Rustomjee Cambridge International School” organized Math-Mela on 30th &31st July 2010.Generally, Students gain their knowledge through books or lectures delivered by teachers or instructor, but RCIS had decided to organize a Math –Mela i.e.” Learn Math with fun”. There were many schools who visited the Math Mela. Along with teachers of the school we also participated actively. It was our great pleasure to work with other teachers. It was a great opportunity to work with teachers, who has an experience of many years.
As some children think Math is very difficult subject, but after this Mela, I think Math is fun with tricks. There were different stalls where Math was put forward in form of games like Rangoli with Math, number collage, and carom board in eclipse shape, guessing games ,origami, create an abstract design without lifting pen, finding areas in simple way and so on. Parents also visited the Math –Mela.
The students who find Math difficult or boring also participated and enjoyed themselves. Students were just lost in Math world. Other schools has visited Math Mela with learners & teachers .They also enjoyed a lot & were not in a mood of going back .For us, as a trainee we learn to do pre-planning research and how to co-ordinate with other teachers. By Participating in the Math Mela, we even learn the “Success is based on TEAM work”. It was an honor to work with team of RCIS and it will always be a memorable event in our life.

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