03 July, 2013

Grade 4 & Grade 5 : Design and Technology (Level 1 & 2)

Grade 4 & Grade 5 : Design and Technology (Level 1 & 2)


The Design and Technology curriculum is introduced in the school since this academic year. This is a very practical based subject involving the construction of various working models right from a Paper Glider or a Trebuchet to a Castle Draw Bridge or a Battery Operated Car.

Students of grades 4 and 5 start from basic models and go on to complicated structures based on principles of physics.

This course has been introduced to students to help them develop a practical approach to science. The applications of this subject can be found in Engineering, Architecture, Interior designing, Fashion designing, Automobile industry and so on.

We have a specially designed laboratory for conducting these sessions. Our students have already developed a liking to this subject and enter the laboratory with renewed vigour each time.

In the following pictures we see the Design and Technology laboratory and the students of Grade 4 and 5 making the models of Paper Glider (involving priciples of Drag, Lift and Gravitational forces) and Trebuchet (involving principles of Potential and Kinetic energy) respectively.

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