14 March, 2015

Grade 7 Practice Comprehension Answers March 2015

1. Who is Galileo Galilei? What are some of his inventions mentioned in the above passage?

A. Galileo Galilei was an important figure in the development of modern astronomy. He laid the foundation for a correct understanding of how objects moved on the surface of the earth and of gravity. Although he did not invent the telescope but he was the first to use the telescope to study the heavens systematically. He made extensive contributions to our understanding of the laws governing the motion of objects.


2. What was Galileo's contribution to the Copernican model?

A. Galileo's observation of dark patches on the Sun known as sunspots and its motion helped us understand that the Sun was rotating on an axis. The sunspots were contrary to the doctrine of an unchanging perfect substance in the universe and the rotation of the Sun indicated that the Earth might rotate on an axis too, as required in the Copernican model.


3. How did Galileo's telescope affect the Church's views on science?

A. Galileo's little telescope observed the universe in a way that nobody had ever done before. His findings contradicted the image of the universe supported by the world for many years. Some officials of the Church refused to even look through his telescope because they felt that the telescope was the Devil's instrument that was attempting to trick them into believing that the universe is not as theology-philosophy suggested


4. Why are people so afraid of change?

A. Everybody finds security in habits Change makes them uncomfortable because it requires adjustment which forces people to make both mental and physical re-arrangements. Adjustment requires adaptation. Adaptation, one of the principle components of human psychology is a measure of mental health. The necessity for adapting to a new environment or even small change in one's old environment places some stress on a person. It requires a person to intake new perceptions, analyze one's environment further. This is all subconscious work we do without even knowing it. Most people like everything to remain the same so that calm and peace will prevail in their lives, and they won't have to think too hard.

5. From the passage pick out a word which means 'important' – Pivotal

6. Pick out the antonym of  "professional"  from the passage – Amateur

7. Write a few lines on Galileo's contribution towards our understanding of the universe.

A. Galileo Galilei was an important figure in the development of modern astronomy because of his work in physics and its relation to astronomy. His work in the understanding of how objects moved on the surface of the earth and of gravity is commendable. Galileo was able to look at the universe through his amateur telescope and completely changed the worldview. Although he faced opposition in society and the church, he never gave up. Galileo made extensive contributions to our understanding of the laws governing the motion of objects and conducted experiments similar to those  of  Newton. 

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