16 March, 2015

Answer Key Grade 4 Comprehension 8

Answer Key Grade 4 Comprehension 8

Language Record:                                                           Write the word class of the following words and write the synonyms from the passage:

Word                Word Class           Synonyms

attractive             adjective               fascinating 

instantly              adverb                  immediately

astonished           verb                     struck / surprised


Answer the following questions:


1.     Where is Tobey going?

A. to the pound                       B. to the animal shelter

C. to the zoo                           D. to the museum                                                                             

2. What is different about this animal shelter compared to the other ones Tobey has seen?   

A. This animal shelter had wild animals and not just dogs and cats as Tobey had seen earlier.


3. Name the different animals that Tobey could see around his house.                            

A. The different animals that Tobey could see around his house were cows or horses, cardinals and blue jays


4.  How does Tobey feel at the end of the story?

A. At the end of the story Tobey feels happy to donate money to a good cause.


5.  If you ever visit an animal shelter would you make a donation? Explain your answer. Application based                                                                                                 

6. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles.                                                                  

Tobey is  a  sweet little boy. He is a animal lover. He loves visiting the zoo. The wild animals fascinate him.

II. Directed Writing:

Imagine you are Tobey. Write a letter to your friend describing the wonderful experience and persuade him to visit the animal shelter. Include the following points.

·        Describe the animal shelter

Dear Asmit,

I was glad to hear from you. I was thrilled reading about your adventurous trip. I too had the opportunity to visit a zoo this vacation. It was truly a mind blowing experience. Animals always fascinate me and I have grown watching them all around my house. At this zoo I saw different animals. As I arrived at the zoo, I was surprised, to hear lions even from the parking lot. The place was small, but nicely-kept. It was clean and the volunteers working at the entrance were very helpful. I was struck by the differences between the two animal shelters. The zoo had beautiful habitats set up for each animal, but we could not get near the animals at all. I was almost close enough to reach out and touch the animals, even if there were two fences between me and the animals. There weren't as many people, either, so it seemed like a more personal experience. The paths were narrow and covered with trees that made the animals feel more at home and gave them shade. We toured around the place at our own pace; examining the cages and habitats the animals lived in.


·        The animals you saw there.


It was interesting to stare a lion in the eyes when you could almost reach out and touch it. It was fun to watch the bears pace back and forth and wiggle their lips at you with great expressions. They were silly creatures. Then there were leopards lazing in the midday heat and monkeys grooming themselves. It was a very neat experience. The best part about the place was the stories. Each animal had a story posted up on the side of their cage. Each had been rescued from abuse or taken when they were no longer wanted. These were hard luck stories with a happy ending. Someone at this shelter had stepped up to take care of the animals and today the animals have found a happy and homely atmosphere to live in. Also it has made the animal lovers happy.   


·        Your feelings about the entire trip.


I truly enjoyed meeting them and learning from them. This was an amazing experience of my life. It's great to see these creatures. Asmit I feel that you too should come and take a feel of this zoo. Plan your next vacation, to visit this zoo. Believe me you will never regret your decision. The volunteers at the shelter were accepting donations for the up keeping of this place. I was happy that I could make a donation there, so that they would get some help for this good cause. It's time for my music classes I will take your leave now, but I would like you to be here for your next vacation we will have a great time and I will enjoy visiting this zoo once again with you.


Your loving friend


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