15 July, 2015

Grade 8 - Practice Comprehension July - Answer Key

1 What did Shackleton want to do that no one else had tried before?

Ans. He wanted to lead an expedition across the Antarctic Seas, something that no one else had tried before.

2 Why did Shackleton attempt  a voyage across the dangerous seas to the whaling base?

Ans. Shackleton and his crew had faced bitter cold for five months and were  not in a good position to carry on. Their situation was further made more grim due to lack of food and other supplies. Shackleton knew that his men and himself will not be able to go on any longer in such dire conditions and will not be able to face another cold winter. Hence Shackleton attempted a voyage across the dangerous seas to the whaling base to get his men to safety.

3 Pick out a sentence from the passage which  supports the idea that the Antarctic seas were far more dangerous than anyone could have expected?

4 What does the word 'painfully' in the passage suggest?

Ans. The word 'painfully' in this passage suggest the hardship and the distress, Shackleton and his crew had to go through to get them to safety. Even in bitter cold and without much food and other supplies they had to fight to survive.

5 According to you, which qualities of Shackelton helped him and his crew to safety?

Subjective answer (The student has to write in his / her words as per his / her understanding)

eg. leadership / determination,  etc. (the student also needs to justify his / her answer)

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