29 September, 2016

Grade 3 Comprehension 2 for September 2016-17

Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.

Rosie and the Seashells

Rosie loved watching the night sky. It shined with so many stars.
Sometimes, she would climb onto Papa's shoulders. She'd feel like a princess, sitting closer to those stars. One afternoon, Papa said, "We're going to the beach! Won't that be fun?"
Rosie wasn't sure. "Will my stars be there, too?"
"Maybe," Papa said.
So they went to the beach. But it was foggy that night – no stars in sight.
"Let's see what happens tomorrow," Papa said.
"Okay…" Rosie frowned.
The next morning, they went back to the beach and Rosie gathered seashells. Rosie found something strange. It looked like a big, orange, bumpy star. Had it fallen from the sky? And why wasn't it glowing?
"It's not a star." Papa smiled. "It's a starfish. It lives in the ocean."
Rosie put the starfish in the ocean. They watched the waves wash it back home. Then Rosie looked for more starfish. She liked stars and starfish.

1. What does Rosie love to watch?

Ans: ____________________________________________________________

2. What did Rosie do after she found a starfish?

Ans: ____________________________________________________________

3. What did Rosie do before she found a starfish?
a. She looked up in the night sky.      b. She collected seashells.
c. She looked for more starfish.    d. She watched the waves take the starfish away.

4. When Papa first took Rosie to the beach at night, she didn't see any stars. Why?
Ans: ____________________________________________________________

5. Do you think Rosie did the right thing of putting back the starfish in the ocean? Why?
Ans: ____________________________________________________________

6.a. Find a word from the passage that means  to collect – ___________________
b. Find the antonym from the passage for normal  - ___________________

II) Language Record:
Frame sentences of your own.     
Tick the correct word class
i) foggy



ii) beach



III) Directed writing
Imagine you are Rosie. Tell your best friend about your experience, spending time with your father on the beach.
  • What you love in the sky at night and why?
  • What you enjoy doing at the beach with your father?
  • Where else you would like to go with your father to find/ see the two things you like.

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